Happy Holidays from SEARFE

From: Betty Jacobs (betty.jacobs_at_EmailProtected)
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 10:54:25 EST

  • Next message: Daron.Brooke_at_EmailProtected: "re:Start of project"

    Thank you to everyone who has helped us launch the SEARFE project this
    Your involvement has ensured that during this initial stage we have been
    able to clarify all sorts of issues.

    Throughout the past six months some teams have had the opportunity to
    complete lots of scans and submit scans to the website and other schools

    have only just received their equipment and are getting started. Thank
    all for your part. Without your enthusiasm and your data the project
    would be impossible.

    Early in 2003 we will be contacting you all again to progress to the
    step where we will request more structured scans. If you have your
    please keep it over the holidays and practice scanning if you wish. Just
    ensure that the equipment is secure.

    Thank you again for your involvement and enthusiasm. Enjoy your


    Betty Jacobs
    Community Outreach Co-ordinator
    Faculty of Engineering
    University of Technology, Sydney


    Telephone - 9514 2450, Fax - 9514 2611 Email - Betty.Jacobs_at_uts.edu.au Mail - Room 7074 / Building 2 Level 7 UTS, PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW, 2007

    Engineering Links Project http://www.eng.uts.edu.au/links

    SEARFE Project http://www.searfe.atnf.csiro.au/ --------------------------------

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