Start of project

From: narrabri high (narrabri_h_school_at_EmailProtected)
Date: Wed Dec 11 2002 - 18:30:12 EST

  • Next message: Betty Jacobs: "Happy Holidays from SEARFE"

    Dear SEARFE team,
    Tests to determine where to site the Discone antenna
    have been completed, but the actual antenna is yet to
    be mounted. While we are waiting for the handyman to
    mount it (nothing has happened for 2 weeks), we have
    decided to start some scans. The initial results were
    interesting. We began with one from 1 to 2000 MHz and
    have found a very strong emission at approximately
    1645 MHz, stronger than any of the radio stations from
    88 to 110MHz. On a closer examination (a scan from
    1640 to 1650 MHz), this turned out to be 2 different
    spikes (on the intensity against frequency line
    graph). We are yet to determine the source of this
    radiation. Do you know of any website that gives data
    on radio interference frequencies around Narrabri?

    There is one other question: how do you put the data
    on the internet? There is no CD writing program on the
    laptop to control the provided CD burner, and the
    staff here would prefer not to directly connect it to
    the internet. The only way we can think of is to
    connect the laptop to a printer, print the plots, and
    scan them. Is there a simpler way than this?
    That is all for now,
    Narrabri High SEARFE team
    (Vikram Ravi and James Tolson) - Yahoo! Greetings
    - Send your seasons greetings online this year!

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