Difficulty converting the scans to excel plots

From: Betty Jacobs (betty.jacobs_at_EmailProtected)
Date: Thu Sep 12 2002 - 12:12:38 EST

  • Next message: Betty Jacobs: "Re: dear Betty"

    I tried this yesterday and it worked.

    1. Open Excel
    2. Click File_Open and open the scan .xms file (it might take a while)
    3. A prompt box will appear asking you to select options - you should
    select - delimited, next, tick other and put " in the box, next, finish
    4. This should put all the data in a spreadsheet. Scroll down to find
    it. Don't worry about the mess.
    5. Delete all columns except the Frequency values and the Signal
    Strength values and make sure these columns are formatted as numbers
    6. Put headings on these columns
    7. You should then be able to select these columns and create your chart

    Let me know if this works.


    Betty Jacobs
    Community Outreach Co-ordinator
    Faculty of Engineering
    University of Technology, Sydney


    Telephone - 9514 2450, Fax - 9514 2611 Email - Betty.Jacobs_at_uts.edu.au Mail - Room 7074 / Building 2 Level 7 UTS, PO Box 123, Broadway, NSW, 2007

    Engineering Links Project http://www.eng.uts.edu.au/links

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